Monday 25 August 2014

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Well its been a fair few weeks since I last posted. I think its safe to say I've been on a self imposed hiatus, trying to evaluate whats actually important to me in life and what I want to write about. This may seem like an odd statement seeing as the title suggests that this is in fact a diet post, but I've noticed lately that more than ever, when I get so busy and let my eating habits slip (and when they slip, they slip badly) my whole life seems to follow into a kind of chaotic state.
First thing that's worth noting, just to set the context : I've got terrible willpower.

I'm not going to lie to you, I'd rather sit on my sofa than go for a run. I wish I was one of those people who loved going to the gym, but the truth is it bores me half to death. I'd rather be doing something, actually anything, other than step onto a treadmill. Of course, I enjoy the rush of endorphins after a bit of exercise just like the next person. But I know that I can cheat and get a similar effect by eating a bit of chocolate. This is ultimately my problem.

All things considered, I should probably be morbidly obese. But about a year and a bit ago, I decided that after the best part of a decade of half hearted dieting and going to the gym, followed by eating cheese then getting nowhere, that I was just going to bloody well get on with it and do it. I am an all or nothing person. I threw myself into a juice cleanse for a week, and then I followed this with two more weeks of combining juicing with home cooked meals, cutting out all white bread, white pasta or white carbs in general. I lost just over a stone, which is all I really wanted to lose - but it made a huge difference to me. (Then I went to America for a bit and discovered savory pancakes, but that's a whole different story).

After about ten years of saying 'I just need to lose a stone or so and I'll be really happy with my weight' it took some kind of inner revelation for me to just get on with it and actually do it rather than continuously fail. It may not sound like a great deal of weight loss - it's not much to lose, but it really changed the way I felt about myself. I felt able to wear the clothes I wanted to wear but didn't feel confident wearing before. Most importantly, the weight stayed off too, for about a year, despite my gallivanting and pancake eating adventures.

Everyone has different methods when it comes to merging a busy life with a healthy life. But I've learned that for me, the true secret is that you NEED to stick to a change in diet for at least three weeks, and try and be strict with it. After that, the odd camembert sharer is OK (although, as a general rule I don't share camembert). The reason this is important is because your body adapts to your new weight. They also say that after 21 days of doing something it becomes habit and a part of your new way of thinking. After your body has adapted to its new weight, your metabolism tends to keep you there, unless you're really really naughty.

Over the past month (and after a few more gluttonous adventures) my scales are tipping again a bit. This has spurred on my personal mission for finding ways to eat well and stay healthy, when you also work like a madman and can't afford a personal chef. Initially I went back and did a week juice cleanse again to set me back on the straight and narrow. It made me feel great, and I was full of energy. I made it to day 6, lost 8 pounds, then accidentally left the cable to my juicer over a hob and burnt a hole through it. I dare not plug it in now. Consequently, partly due to this, and due to a couple of days in Ipswich and a boozy wedding, I fell off the wagon and regained most of the weight I'd lost a week later. It is always best to aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, but I find that when I eat healthily and do the following, my body loses what it needs to and that's OK. The most important thing, whether you lose weight or not, is just that you feel better in yourself, and it's taken me quite a long time to realise that this should be my main priority. Here are the steps I am taking to get myself back on track;

1. I am eating more vegetables, soups, and salads.
2. I'm generally forcing myself to walk everywhere rather than be lazy and catch the bus.
3. I occasionally dip into home exercise. I used to be great and go to the gym 4-5 times a week but those days are gone now (see above, terrible willpower). I actually find Results With Lucy to be the best, and I've tried a few different ones now. Very simple and easy to follow.
4. I'm buying a new juicer, and incorporating juices for breakfast back into my regime.  One a day is enough though for a long term healthy lifestyle. Throw some spirulina in too and your body will thank you!
5. Most importantly, and this is probably the key, I'm trying to not spend so much time judging myself.

For me, the three week rule works. My body adapts to the weight and then I relax a little on my diet, but by this point, I want to eat the good stuff and I'm less drawn to the bad stuff. When I'm juicing or eating more vegetables, I feel a huge noticeable difference in my focus, my work, my happiness, and my life. I just don't understand why, even armed with this knowledge, I still find myself surrounded by a load of refined sugar and junk food sometimes!

What methods do you use to incorporate healthy living, especially in busy lifestyles? I would love to hear your suggestions :)


  1. Oh this is so awesome!!! You are doing great and I am sure your willpower will improve over time :) I have such a bus lifestyle but I try to live as healthy as I can! I am vegan so that automatically cuts out meat and dairy products for me and I try to stay far away from processed foods. I just make fast and easy recipes and always have a healthy vegan dessert in my kitchen for when I get those bad sweet cravings!

  2. You're doing fabulous, keep it up! I've begun trying to walk everywhere too, hopefully it'll do me some good and help me keep healthy too :)

    Fiona @

  3. I love that you're doing this, you're reminding me to recommit and get my butt in gear!
    Also, I think it's great to take a step back and decide your blog direction- you need to be passionate and it needs to be you! I commend you!

  4. This is just the pep talk I needed to get some more vegetables into my body!

  5. I also have no willpower. I keep telling myself i'll diet but I just can't commit. What cleanse did you do? Maybe that's the boost I need to get off my lazy bum ;)

  6. Your doing such a great job, keep it up girl! This summer (starting back in May) I finally cut all fast food and sweets out of my life! <3

  7. I love that first quote. I hate when I grab a piece of fruit at work and get the "are you on a diet" question! No, I eat healthy, got a problem?

  8. I'm right there with you - I have terrible willpower. It stinks. I have been trying to make healthier decisions, though.

  9. You can do it! Strength in numbers! ;)

  10. I love your balanced approach. Veggies and extra movement seem to do the trick for me every time the button gets a little snug on my pants!

  11. i love what you said in #5! be happy and reward yourself for all that you've accomplished!

  12. Keep up that fantastic work!!!!!!! Amazing!

  13. I'll definitely be trying the three week rule. My boss lost three stone in the last few months down to a complete diet and exercise overhaul and she looks fab (I'm worried she'll be smaller than me soon!) so I'm definitely upping my game and following her plan.

    She eats four meals a day of just protein and veg (no fruit allowed) so excuse me while I go and make my first lunch of the day ;)

    Katie <3

  14. Well done on everything that you have achieved so far...keep on going!

  15. It's definitely a challenge and you are doing great! Thanks for sharing!

  16. It's always a challenge to eat well around so much unhealthy food here. I stay around the outside rim of the grocery store!

  17. Planning ahead is essential, and I'm terrible at it. Especially when we are on-the-go and I need something quick.

  18. You are doing great! Eating well is hard and then throw in exercise-- ugh I get hives just thinking about it. lol

  19. You are doing awesome! I find it is really the little things I do that keep weight off. Like going on a walk or not getting a Caramel Macchiato every day :-) Keep at it!

  20. Yay for you! You're doing great. I recently re-committed to maintaining my fitness. It's a journey, day by day. :)

  21. story of my life! the same thing that recommitted you recommitted me....tipping scales!!!! I'll me walking 4 miles in the am and have cut back my eating habits to match my over body image desires.

  22. I have such a terrible will power too we in the same boat, but i am enjoying eating more veggies with my vegetarian lifestyle

  23. I also have extremely low (aka NONE) willpower, I feel the pain. I am like that not only with eating but with everything!

  24. "I decided that after the best part of a decade of half hearted dieting and going to the gym, followed by eating cheese then getting nowhere, that I was just going to bloody well get on with it and do it." My fave line! I just had a baby 5 weeks ago so this is great inspiration to get healthy. Xo
