Tuesday 18 February 2014

Moisturisers - the Rich, the Reasonable, and the Thrifty

I am forever on the quest for the holy grail of all moisturisers. Lets face it, there is so much product choice out there nowadays, most of which promising you skin that will emanate golden particles and make your face glow like the dewy morning, that it's really hard to stay loyal to just one range. Over the past 6 months, I've gone through a pretty vast price range of moisturisers (due to a varying cash flow) which has given me the opportunity to put a few of their age defying and face brightening claims to the test. Overall, I wanted to explore the notion of quality being exclusive to price - is the most expensive always the most effective?

Lets start with Product number 1: 'The Rich' - Creme De La Mer, £105

I have been intrigued by 'Creme De La Mer', which literally means 'cream of the sea', for quite some time now. Heralded as the be all and end all of all moisturisers, and 'the' classic skin quenching investment, it's perhaps too obvious a choice for this category, but a deserving one nonetheless. There are more expensive moisturisers out there, but at a retail price of roughly £105 for 30ml, it certainly sits in the quality aisle. I had been wondering about this for ages, so I decided to invest in a small pot after much deliberation. Who wouldn't be slightly curious about a miracle product that is revered by the stars? J Lo reportedly bathes in the stuff. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wanted to know why.

Personal observations:

  • It's quite thick and dense when applying. I judge a moisturiser by whether or not it sinks into my skin and feels almost 'invisible', and this one did not. I found my face clogging up quite a bit after a collective amount of days using it.
  • It's got a very calming effect. I have quite red skin naturally, and I did feel less 'rosy' after a few weeks of applying this.
  • It feels very luxurious and smells very nice, too. They give you an applicator which helps you to measure the correct amount of product per application.
  • The use of seaweed and algae amongst other sea based products does allure to the mysteries beneath the oceans blanket - which many believe hold the elixir for younger looking skin.

Overall, I do think that this was a little too heavy for my skin. That's not to say it might not be perfect for other skin types. I decided to use this as more of an intense night cream - I did find that it cleared up any dry patches unbelievably quickly and may work wonders on scars, too. Definitely a great product to grab for if you find yourself with sunburn!

Product number 2: The reasonable - Korres Magnolia Bark First Wrinkles, £22.50

I am getting past my mid twenties now, and I'm becoming more and more conscious of keeping any pesky fine lines at bay. I've been researching religiously for products that preserve. Korres seemed to tick all these boxes and seems to be developing a nice following, too. I used the magnolia bark range 'first signs of wrinkles' day cream (even though I don't think I'm quite there just yet) but if that's not what you're after, the rose 'brightening' cream looks great, too.

Personal observations:

  • As a contrary to 'Creme De La Mer' the cream absorbed very quickly and 'sunk' into the skin. My makeup seemed to glide on easier, too.
  • It has SPF 15 in it which is really handy - they say you should wear SPF every day whatever the weather and I've not been good at doing this, though I know I should! Plus, it smells nice, which is also a bonus.
  • Apparently it prevents skin inflammation, which keeps wrinkles at bay - can't comment on this really as I didn't notice any difference in this respect, but then I don't think my skin is particularly inflamed in general!
  • Magnolia bark active extract is a really interesting ingredient which I've not come across before in a skin cream. I did notice that the tiny lines on my forehead seemed to fade over time, too, and I'm hopeful that it is also preventing new ones from appearing!
  • It seemed to help my dark circles, and even after a sleepless night, my skin still looked quite peppy. I could definitely see the difference.

I genuinely like this one so much I've actually invested in the night cream as well. My skin feels fresh, rejuvenated and moisturised and I have to say I have been very impressed with it.

The Thrifty - Olay Total Effects 7 in One Day Moisturiser - £10

I realise I could have gone for the very cheap end of the range here, but heres the story - I'd just spent lots of money on Creme De La Mer and wanted something (relatively cheap) and effective from Boots in a hurry, before I decided which product to jump to and eBay surf for next (which is when I found Korres). After much shelf navigating, I finally landed on this, which looked reasonable and seemed to be offering a lot of 'bang' for its buck.

For the quality of the product, I think £10 for Olay Total Effects is actually very cheap, which is why I chose to review it on the 'budget' end of the scale. I'll be honest, I'm thrifty when it comes to most things, but a bit of a snob when it comes to moisturiser, as I see protecting your skin as a serious investment. But what I thought would just be used for a few weeks and then tossed aside, turned out to be a good month long relationship with Olay (before my fickle mind started searching for something new).

Personal observations:
  • Total effects seems to be a bit of a cosmetic warrior, fighting uneven skin tones, first signs of wrinkles, surface dullness, and other (the name would suggest 7) areas of difficulty. So it caters for a whole range of skin types at once.
  • It is light and easily absorbed, and seemed to brighten my skin, though sometimes verged on a bit oily, so I was worried about putting it on more acne prone areas.
  • Total Effects also includes SP15 - good for lazy people like me!
  • Not much is needed for each application, so despite it being a small bottle, it does last a while.
  • I prefer products with more natural ingredients, but 'Total Effects' does contain an impressive range of vitamins, which is said to have a good anti-aging effect.

The verdict: Overall Korres sinks into my skin the best and has the most natural ingredients, so for my combination skin, it wins the race! It caused me no complications in terms of skin blemishes, wasn't oily at all, yet made my skin feel very nourished and brightened it significantly, and from what I could tell, kept to its promise of reducing any early signs of wrinkles. Coming in at £82.50 cheaper than its expensive contender, I do think this does re-affirm that throwing more money at things doesn't always ensure that you'll get the right product for you. Though I will definitely be reaching for the Creme De La Mer if I ever have any burns or skin complaints, as I do believe its rich, thick qualities have a very soothing effect!

Whats your favourite moisturiser? Have you ever tried any of the above products?

Alice x

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  1. I like moisturizers that include a sunscreen--when I was in beauty school, I was taught that 80% of visible signs of skin aging are actually due to sun damage, and that was enough to scare me straight into wearing sunscreen and covering up!

    1. Hey Rachel - you're so right! So many people overlook this. Being a redhead I should have been a lot more careful when I was younger but it's never too late to start. Even when it's cloudy the sun can be doing damage but it's taken me a long time to realise that! X

  2. I am looking for a great moisturizer. I will have to try these out!

  3. I am dirt cheap and use Olay Regenix or something along those lines. But I'm old and have wrinkles....like for real.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Shoot, I still can't use the comment function. What I said was, you're looking good for someone who's 'old' then, Brownie!

  4. for years, i was a fan of la mer. i didn't care about the hefty price tag because of all the products i tried, it worked best my super senstitive skin...it didn't fix everything,but at least it didn't give me a rash. however, a few years back, my skin just freaked out and rejected everything - even la mer. so i decided that maybe all the chemicals in these creams is what was causing my skin to go crazy and i switched to an all natural line and started using serums and skin oils and now, my skin is better than ever and they fixed ALL of my skin issues...even erased the fine lines around my eyes :)

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

    1. I do really believe in all natural products - this is really interesting. I guess any chemicals have some adverse affects even if they help aesthetically in the short term? Strange how your body can tell you things! Which natural line do you use? X

  5. I am not fond of any. I have really dry skin and nothing seems to work. I have tried everything from drug store to luxury brands :(

    1. Aw Lilith I'm sorry to hear that :( seems to be a common thing with a lot of people - perhaps all natural products are the way to go? I'm going to try a few homemade tricks and see if that helps - though my skin is only dry in patches. I hope you find something helpful x

  6. I have really dry skin to and honestly I don't really use moisturizer, except as a last resort. I found a really awesome locally made soup that has saved my skin. My fiance likes dove soap for his dry skin, but it didnt work on me.

    1. I'm really intrigued by using all natural home made products (straight from the earth!) ah soap, however rich is always going to strip your skin. Perhaps avocado based face masks might help? Like a DIY one you make up yourself? I hope you find something that helps x

  7. I'm still searching for THE moisturizer for my skin. I currently use Cetaphil since it's very gentle on my skin and isn't oily and has SPF 15. I heard Philosophy is a good one too. I need to try the bottom two of your list and see how i like it!

    1. I've heard of cetaphil but I wasn't sure about it! Is it good? Philosophy have a good reputation but I haven't tried any of their products in years. I'd definitely recommend korres - one of the best moisturisers I've used and I was a clarins addict for years! X

  8. Thanks for the review. It was very helpful. I always have trouble finding the right moisturizer because of my sensitive skin

    Cha Cha

  9. My favorite moisturizer at the moment is the Eminence Stone Crop Whip moisturizer. It's thick, but really soothes my dry skin. =)

    I've always been curious about the La Mer moisturizer, but the price tag is just too heavy for me!

    Linh @ blushology.net

  10. I tried a lighter version of the La Mer cream. I really liked it, and I have super sensitive skin as well. I noticed that my skin was definitely in better shape, but I've hesitated to repurchase due to the price. I'd be careful with Cetaphil...I broke out in painful bumps all over when I tried it. :(
